
Archive for the ‘Exercise’ Category

Although things have improved somewhat, the pandemic continues. Life will not be back to normal for some time. It’s become a marathon, so we have to pace ourselves. Taking care of our mental and physical well being is more important than ever.

This may be the most important. We have all slipped into negativity and frustration at times because we cannot do the things we are used to being able to do. It’s natural to feel this way, but be careful it doesn’t become a habit. A negativity habit is very easy to form due to the negativity bias and hard to break. Notice if you’re on a complaining loop and try to snap out of it.

Enough with the donuts already! I have never seen so many people walking around with so many donut boxes! It’s been kind of entertaining actually.
Yes, most of us have been indulging a little more than usual since the pandemic hit.
It’s time to get back on track. About a month ago now I decided, too many treats and cut it down to once a week. It is hard at first because sugar is addictive, so each day you crave it again, but stick with it and the cravings will go away within a few days to a week.
Limit it to one treat a week, eat healthier and the extra pounds will start to come off. Patience and persistence! PS. When you have a treat, make sure it’s actually worth it.

Get outside every day. This is imperative. Especially now that Summer has finally arrived, we have to soak it up while we can! Make time to go out for a walk, bike ride, swim each and every day, even two times a day, if you can. It’s important for your mental and physical health.

How do you feel? We can go into auto-pilot and just plug along unaware. Notice if you’re feeling lonely, pent-up, irritable or are incessantly complaining. If you are, take steps to feel better, take control.

What are you watching and how does it make you feel?
I just finished watching Ozark, and I did enjoy it, but it was pretty dark. When you watch a show regularly you can’t help but get swept up in it and think about it through-out the day. If you’re feeling down than it may be best not to watch a depressing, violent, etc. type show.
I just started watching Jane The Virgin and am really enjoying it. It’s light, fun and playful.

Exercise! Especially if you’re not working right now, make it your “job”. Exercise will make you feel better in so many ways, good for your physical and mental health.

Things could be far worse. We are not in a war, we have food, we have shelter. Given that we are really the luckiest people on earth, we can tend to forget how good we have it. There are people in this world, right now, who are suffering for lack of food, shelter, safety and worse. Appreciate what we have, because we really do have so much.

Hang in there everybody!

Accept what you cannot accept. Swimming against the current is exhausting – go with the current instead, life will be much easier.

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It looks like it will be while before most live in-person classes are back, so let’s make the most of our livestream class experience!

Think of the class as treat you do for yourself. It’s ME time, to take care of myself and my health – which right now, is more important than ever.

Act as if you were in a studio, for instance, you wouldn’t take a call while in a studio class. Make the class a priority and stick to it. Think of all the time you are saving not having to travel to a studio class.

Here are 6 things you can do to make the most of your class:

1) Close all other windows on your device so there are no other programs taking up your bandwidth and no emails popping up, etc.

2) Put your device on DO NOT DISTURB so you are not disrupted by calls, texts or emails. If you’re not sure how to do it, just look up “how to turn on do not disturb on iPhone/Android, etc” on YouTube.

3) If possible, be in a separate room from others in your home and ask them to not disturb you.

4) If you have, connect your device to a bluetooth speaker for better sound. A big appeal with my classes is the music, which I spend a lot of time and care curating. Or, if you have, use wireless headphones – this will also help with keeping you present in the class.

5) Connect your device to your television screen by cable or Apple TV (it’s so easy with Apple TV!). Again check YouTube for how to.

6) Commit to staying present for the class.

Although we all miss interacting with each other in person, livestream classes have been very convenient and it’s been wonderful to see your faces and connect with you!

Let’s make the most it and stay positive. Some day we will look back at this time with nostalgia.

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continued from More Holiday Eating Strategies

The Ying and the Yang

For me, part of a good life is eating delicious food. The key to enjoying it is to feel good. That means eating with some moderation and balance.

I like to “pre-pay” for my indulgences (see Holiday Eating Strategies) and also Ying the Yang the day of and following a “feast” so there are as few repercussions as possible. Here is what I do:

PREPARE  The day of the event:

  • I always start the day with a big glass of water before I do anything else. It wakes me up and gives me energy. On this special day, I have 4 glasses of water before I eat and then another 4 glasses through-out the day.
  • I have my usual protein shake for breakfast and light lunch, like a big salad with chicken breast. I make sure to include a lean protein in each meal as this satiates the appetite, I don’t want to feel hungry.
  • I drink 1-2 glasses of water right before the event and if I’m hungry I have a light healthy snack before I go.

At the event:

  • I avoid or limit starchy food that will make me feel bloated and full: rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, crackers, etc. It really makes a difference to avoid too much of these foods.
  • I’m picky and choosy,  I try not to eat crap!  I savour the food I love and take my time.
  • I consider each thing I eat and ask myself: Is it worth it?  Is it crap?  How will I feel after I eat this?  Crap makes you feel like crap!
  • I eat one and enjoy it. Having more does not make it more enjoyable especially if you feel sick from over-eating afterwards. Of course, sometimes it’s worth having more though 😉
  • What to do if you find yourself parked in front of the chips eating the entire bowl even though you don’t like them:
    • Recognize what you are doing
    • Ask yourself why… am I bored? uncomfortable? eating unconsciously?
    • Pull yourself away and drink a tall glass of water
    • Repeat if you find yourself back at the bowl

After the event:

  • Before bed, I take a probiotic or a glass bubbly water with a little lime juice to help with digestion.
  • The next morning I’m usually still full from the night before, so I skip breakfast – the key here is to take a moment to notice how you feel.
  • I start the day with 4 glasses of water and then have another 4 through-out the day.
  • I eat extra healthy the next few days: salads, fruit, vegetables, lean protein (and everyday!).
  • It’s just as easy to lose a few pounds as it is to gain a few pounds. Do not starve yourself to do this! That is the absolute worst tactic. Just eat healthy, no crap, smaller portions, lots of water, cut the sugar, make sure to have lean protein at every meal.
  • I get moving: a long walk, the gym, a class.
  • It’s so easy to become addicted to the sugar, notice if this starts to happen and taper it down.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!

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We’re coming into the time of year where every where we turn there are chocolates, cookies, candies, cakes and more. It’s sooo easy to indulge! Then there’s the parties, family gatherings and to top it off New Years!

So every holiday season one can easily gain a few pounds and then some. If I gain weight, I feel  disappointed with myself for my lack of self-control. It could take me months, if not the whole year, to get the extra pounds off. And now as I’m getting older I’m finding it more difficult to get it off, it just may not come off at all.

This can be a slippery slope because as the years pass,  without even really realizing it, we can gain a considerable amount of weight which can negatively affect our health. That’s why it’s important to keep it in control.

Losing five pounds feels manageable but losing twenty or thirty pounds can feel daunting. You want to nip it in the bud.

So I try to catch myself and say, “Enough! This is not working for me. It’s making me unhappy and does not feel good”.

So I devise a plan….


When I know there’s a special occasion or season coming up that may involve overeating on my part I begin to prepare my mind and my body.


I spend time thinking about how I feel when I overeat:

  • the bloating
  • my clothes tight and uncomfortable
  • the break-outs from the chocolate and extra fat
  • the frustration & disappointment with myself for not having the will power to stop eating
  • the effort it will take to get the extra weight off

Then, I make a decision about what I want:

  • I do not want to gain weight
  • I do not want to feel bloated and over-stuffed from overeating
  • I want to enjoy, guilt-free, delicious food that I love
  • I do not want to put crap into my body
  • I do not want to feel disappointed with myself
  • I want to feel good and be proud of myself

A goal properly set is halfway reached.
~Zig Ziglar


I prepare by:

  • eating sensibly the days/week/month leading up to the event or season
  • cut starchy bloating foods like: rice, potatoes, muffins, bread, crackers
  • no junk food or treats
  • lots of vegetables, lean meats, salads & fruit
  • cut fat: no butter, fatty dressings, anything deep fried
  • portion control
  • extra workouts
  • at least 8 glasses of water a day

So I go into it feeling like I have lost a few pounds, my clothes feel looser.  I’m not a big fan of the weigh scale, so I don’t usually weigh myself. However, it can be helpful to gauge where you’re at but use it as a tool not a weapon.

How about you?

Get in touch with your body and how you feel. Take some time to think about what you want and set your own goals. The key is to making a conscious decision about what you want.

A goal without a plan is merely a wish.

Continued HERE

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parents & kids having fun together – love this!

love the guy with the baby bjorn!

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I’m sure you’ve heard me talking about Wanderlust, a Yoga and Music Festival that takes place in Whistler every Summer. I’ve been a couple of times and I have to say that I really love it.
It’s a truly a magical experience!
Over four days there are so many interesting classes, talks and workshops with world renowned teachers and then in the evening there’s a concert. The whole village comes alive!
Some of the highlights for me are doing a Yoga class with hundreds of people – the energy is amazing, the silent disco, the Speakeasy talks – always enlightening and just the general buzz.
At night there’s a Silent Disco; everyone wears headphones so when you walk in the room it’s silent but everyone is dancing. There are three DJ’s each one with a different colour, the headphones have three settings/colours, so you can choose which DJ to listen to. Sometimes the whole room turns to one colour, it’s so cool! And there’s no alcohol, no pick-up scene, it’s just people having fun – I just love it!
You can attend one or multiple days. I literally go all day from 8am to 1am because I don’t want to miss a thing. You do as much or as little as you want, there are meditation workshops, stretching, all kinds of Yoga, etc. It’s so fun, enlightening and soul nourishing. I highly recommend it!

Hope to see you there!


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Did you know that you have a natural girdle around your waist?!

It’s true! It’s called the Tranversus Abdominal muscle and it’s one of the four muscles that make up your “core”.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the “core” since core work has been very much in vogue for some time now.

The core is important because it is the foundation of the body.

Think of it like this, when they build a high-rise tower, first they build a foundation deep into the ground to keep the building stable. A strong core is your foundation.

The problem is that for most people the core muscles are weak and undeveloped. This can cause many problems from lower back pain to sciatica.

I do not recommend these belts. They will make your core weaker.

You’ve probably seen furniture movers wearing those belts to support their backs. That is the support a strong core would give you. The belt does the work that the core should be doing. I do not recommend these belts, as they will make your core weaker.

Why is it important to strengthen your core?


Having a strong core means you have a good foundation for everything you do. Your balance come from your core and centers you. Whatever activity you may be doing your core is there to support you. From walking to running to snowboarding you will feel stronger and more stable. Having this strong foundation helps prevent all sorts of injuries from falling to lower back pain.


Think of the discs in your spine as little gel filled pillows between each vertebra. With every step you take the discs absorb the pull of gravity. Over decades these discs start to wear out, they’re not as plump anymore and the spine starts to compress, that’s why we get shorter as we get older! In addition, if your spine is slightly off centre the edge of a disc can get pinched or tear.

Having a strong core keeps your spine aligned and supports the discs which slows their deterioration.

Recently I had an MRI of my spine, the doctor studied my spine and looked at me in awe and said, “What have you been doing? You have one of the healthiest spines I have ever seen, your discs are 20 years younger than you are!”, “I’m a Pilates Instructor”, I told him. “Wow”, he said, “I can see it in your spine!”. It was such a wonderful confirmation of what I have instinctively felt in my body.


One of the most frequent complaints I hear is lower back pain.

Over my 34 years of teaching I’ve come to the conclusion that the main cause of lower back pain is weak core muscles (like anything it’s not a one size fits all diagnosis, I also believe in stretching and weight-training).

When the core is weak, the stronger more superficial muscles step in to do the work of the core, namely the glutes (we tend to engage the butt muscles when we’re looking for stability) and the spinal erectors (the band on each side of the spine).

When the gluteal muscles (butt) tighten, they pull the hips forwards, engage the hip flexors and pull the tailbone down, putting us into a pelvic tilt and taking the lower back out of it’s natural curve, the “neutral spine”. This leaves all the pressure sitting in the lower back and comprises the discs in this area. Most people are stronger on one side than the other, so if they contract one glute tighter than the other it can cause the hips to go out of alignment which can then cause a further problem: sciatica.

The deep core muscles do not engage unless we consciously tell them to, that’s why we have to strengthen the core and train the subconscious to engage the core muscles instead of the stronger more superficial muscles when stability is needed. It takes time and patience to build new neural pathways in the brain so the body goes to the core muscles instead.

A strong core will keep the spine in proper alignment, “neutral spine”,  keep your hips aligned and your discs healthy.


Having a strong core is like wearing a girdle, you will have tighter waist line and better posture.



Do focused exercises for the deep core muscles:

(1) Kegels

Imagine you are going to the bathroom and you stop mid-stream, that’s a kegel. So just do that over and over, squeeze, release, squeeze release. Do them as often as you can, whenever you think of it. You can do them anywhere, no one will know. (Do them right now!)

I like to say pick something that will remind you to do them, like every time you see a Starbucks logo. Focus the squeeze more in the front (#1) and less in the back (#2) and make sure you are not squeezing your butt (the gluteal muscles). I also recommend doing kegels for a focused 2 minute block at least once a day.

Not only will kegels build your core strength, they will also keep you from getting up at night to go to the bathroom!

(2) Pull in your belly

Simply pull your belly in towards your spine. It is important to integrate your breath so you exhale through your mouth as you pull your belly in. You can also do these anytime anywhere: when you’re in a line-up, going up the elevator or walking around. I also recommend doing them for a focused 2 minute block at least once a day.

These are the absolute basics.


If you want to take it further then I recommend  Pilates or a “core” focused class, just make sure your instructor teaches in a way that actually focuses on the deep core muscles and constantly reminds you to engage them.

Be patient and persistent, with regular practice you will start to see and feel a difference. But remember, it’s like showering, it doesn’t last, you have to do it regularly.

If you are suffering from lower back pain or sciatica, know that it will take time and patience to redirect the body. Consistency is key.

You can find my Pilates class schedule HERE







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What if there was something you could right now that would have an immediate and long lasting positive benefit for your brain including mood and focus and it would also protect your brain from depression, Alzheimers and dementia, would you do it?

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Recently I listened to a podcast by Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

He beautifully expressed many of my feelings regarding exercise and it made me want to share it with you (warning: swearing):


or you can read my summary below
I hope it motivates you!

Some people don’t want to exercise; they’d rather go to a doctor and get a pill. There’s a fear of discomfort, they don’t want to sweat and strain. It’s an extreme feeling in the mind.

What it really is however is the discomfort of the beginnings of getting in shape. Because once you’re fit, exercise is something you look forward to. It alleviates stress and makes you feel good: relaxed, carefree, more appreciative of things and less reactive.

Neuro-imaging studies show that exercise improves executive function and calms the amygdala – the brains emotional centre. Exercise helps you think logically and be less reactive from the gut. Meditation has similar effect.

So how to get started? Create momentum. Resist the resistance. Realize that discomfort is your friend. The choice to resist creates momentum, just as the choice to avoid creates momentum. The more you resist the more you can resist. The more you avoid, the more you continue to avoid. When we consistently resist the avoidance it creates a force that propels us forward.

Often when we are not happy and content with life it’s because we have given into the avoidance. We have stayed in our comfort zone. The need to act is so strong yet we avoid it. We feel that resistance all the time and we have to fight it in order to get past it so we can progress and succeed.

When we choose to avoid working out, it’s not only bad for us physically but also mentally. When we decide to stay on the couch we tell ourselves that it’s an option, that avoiding is an option that is at our disposal and that creates momentum to continue avoiding. Our choices create neuro-pathways in the brain: to avoid or to resist. Once the neuro-pathway is created we tend to stay on that path. If we choose to avoid, we may then find ourselves avoiding other things in life too: conflict, uncomfortable decisions and making changes.

When we get off the couch and go workout we feel successful and a sense of accomplishment. A year from now you could have a completely different body working out just 2 -3 times a week. It’s not a huge commitment and the outcome is incredible. You could add ten years to your life! It’s not about vanity; it’s about the quality of your life, not only as you age but also right now, how it affects you today. And it not only affects you but everyone that comes into contact with you.

When we live a sedentary lifestyle and eat badly we accelerate aging; we become broken and start to fall apart. We can delay the aging process and improve the quality of our life simply by being active and eating well. What could me more important?!

If you could take a pill to prevent your body and mind from a decaying from old age would you take it? Everyone would say yes, but there is no such pill. The pill is exercise and healthy eating. Actual pills don’t always work and they have side effects. And a pill is not going to make you feel better in a true sense. A pill is not going to clear your mind, change the shape of your body and give you confidence and ease. Yes pills are sometimes necessary for a medical condition but often the medical condition is caused by unhealthy habits to begin with.

Our consciousness is in charge of making the choice. What will you choose?

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Gord, who attends my Stretch Class, shared this beautiful short film with me and I want to share it with you.  It’s a beautiful story, a beautiful film and a beautiful project. I hope you will take the time to watch it.

I think any exercise program, not just yoga, can have a significant impact on your life.


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